Do you have trouble finding balance between work and home?
Do you wish you could do more training and recognition with your team?
Do you feel like you are losing money, missing opportunities, and running a business with no true direction?
Do you feel completely overwhelmed and even think about quitting sometimes?
Then The Diva Success System is your answer! The Diva Success System is helping Party Plan Consultants nationwide become more organized, more productive, and more successful with their Party Plan Businesses!
Probably the biggest obstacle for any Party Plan Consultant is finding the Organization and Balance to truly be your own boss and run a successful business, while also maintaining a household, possibly another job and family.
Many Consultants say they feel overwhelmed, stressed and that they are working “all the time” and seldom feel they accomplish anything.
By developing a system, you can truly work your business in 30 minutes per day!!
1 – Get ready for business – all the way to hairspray.
Why? Well, the first one is because I truly believe what the FlyLady™ says about getting dressed to shoes – you get more accomplished, you feel better, and you aren’t caught off guard with a quick guest or quick errand needing to be run.
In our case, we always need to look presentable and professional for whatever opportunity may come our way, so get ready all the way to hairspray.
2 – Talk to three new, never-seen-before people about your business.
The Second rule is expanding on your business, talking to three new people each and every day alone will grow your business.
By doing this step every day, you will have a constant flow of new business and a running list of contacts to follow up on.
3 – Send a note of gratitude or recognition to someone in the mail.
This step is about feeling good inside yourself. Gratitude is a wonderful emotion! And what you bring about, comes about.
Each day take a moment to write a note to a hostess, or a team member, or maybe your sponsor. A quick note in the mail will brighten someone’s day, and you will feel terrific for sending it.
Having a weekly system will help you stay motivated and organized! When you wake up each morning and know what you have to do today, you are immediately relieved of the “what now?” stress!!
Here is a typical schedule… rotate days as needed for your party dates!!
Monday – “Money Monday”
Make Bank Deposits, Process Credit Cards, File Weekend Paperwork, Place Weekend Orders, etc – anything having to do with MONEY!
Tuesday – “Team Tuesday”
SCHEDULED Team Coaching. Of course, your team can call you any time, but schedule coaching calls on Tuesdays and promote this to your team as “their day.”
Wednesday – “Work With Me Wednesday”
Hostess Coaching Day! Follow Up With Hostesses That Booked Over The Weekend, Secure Dates, Begin Hostess Coaching your new Hostesses. Also, call upcoming Hostesses with our Hostess Coaching Schedule.
Thursday – “Thankful Thursday”
Customer Care Day! Customer Care Calls, Deliveries, Pickups, Emails, etc – everything pertaining to Customer Care.
Friday – “Fun Day Friday”
Prepare For Weekend Parties, get Demo Kit ready, pack Lapboards, etc. Get ready to PARTY!
Saturday – “Sensational Saturday”
ENJOY your day! If you have done the rest of the tasks for the week, you can ENJOY Saturday with loved ones because you are already ready for your party in the afternoon/evening.
Sunday – “Slow Down Sunday”
Faith and Family Day! Today you are 100% “OFF” from your business. Enjoy the day with your loved ones.
With this schedule, each Friday begins a new week of parties. By the time Thursday rolls around again, you are completing that week of parties and on to the next. You are able to schedule your life around this schedule without letting your business take over.
You can also share this schedule with your friends and family. If you have prepared on Friday for the parties on the weekend, you have all day free on Saturday for kid’s birthday parties or lunch with girlfriends. Your spouse knows he can watch Monday Night Football because you will be on a Conference Call!
If your parties fall on weekdays, simply shift the schedule around to the days of the week that your parties are on. The point of this schedule is to know exactly what needs to get done in the way of business each day.
Staying on top of these things will help you tremendously when it comes to Tax Time! Also, by doing these things one day each month, you will always be prepared for the next month!!
1st Day Of The Month – Product Returns, Order Business Supplies and Promotions, Team Recognition For Prior Month
5th Day Of The Month – Prepare 20 Hostess Packets, 20 Recruit Packets
10th Day Of The Month – Prepare 20 Hostess Gifts, Prizes For Party Games, Thank You Gifts, Promotional Gifts, etc
15th Day Of The Month – Customer Care Day – postcards, phone calls, etc.
20th Day Of The Month –Email Blast To Customers – Specials For the Next Month, Booking Incentives For Next Month
Last Day Of The Month – Tax Paperwork, End Of The Month Filed, RELAX! Get Ready For Another Month Of Success!!
Some of these days may fall on a weekend or a day you don’t have scheduled to work. That is fine – shift it over as needed, just make sure you spend 6 days doing those 6 things above!
If you stay on top of those things, you will always be prepared, and never fall behind and find yourself scrambling to get a hostess gift together as you are walking out the door to go to her party!!!
Your goal is to use all of what you make also. Meaning if you make 20 Hostess Packets on Day 5, by Day 5 of next month, you want to be out of them! The goal is not to continue to stock pile them!!
Our theory is: one party a week you are maintaining a business, two parties a week and you are building a business – the Power of Two!! But at most that’s 10 parties in one month – true, but always have extras to mail out, book farther out, and there will always be cancellations and reschedules.
The Five Petals of Success – The Diva Daisy

Download Your Free Diva Daisy Printable to hang where you can see it every day!
Make it a goal that each day you complete one of the petals of your Diva Daisy! The Diva Success System Planner has a place for you to keep track! If you pick one petal each day every week, you are going to see amazing results in your business. The Diva Daisy keeps it simple!
Just think – if Monday you Booked a Party, Tuesday you Made A Sale, Wednesday you went Gardening, Thursday you Signed a Recruit, and Friday you Held a Party – what an amazing week! Now think if you did that EVERY week! How fast would you reach your goals then?
Now you have everything broken down into months, weeks, and days. With this System you are going to find you will have more time, more excitement, and more energy to put into truly building your business. Planning your work is done for you – now it is up to you to work your plan!!
Special Offer! Save 50% on the Diva Success System Planner Through This Page:
Use the coupon code “planner” to save 60% on the Diva Success System Printable Planner. Great for putting in the Disc System and customizing your planner however you like! Keep your business moving through summer and set yourself up for an amazing holiday season with the Diva Success System planner.