Top 10 Customer Service Tips
Customer Service is one of the most important aspects of your direct sales business, though it is often the least practiced. In today’s market customers are being constantly bombarded with advertisements both online and offline and having exceptional Customer Care is one of the best and easiest things you can do to keep your customers coming back to you again and again!
Not only that, they will refer their friends and family to you as well because they feel confident you will take care of their loved ones. Here are ten simple tips you can implement right away for great customer care.

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Top Ten Customer Service Tips for Your Direct Sales Business
1. Stay in contact with your customers on a regular basis. Offer the. a free eNewsletter, add them to your Social Media outlets, make Customer Care Calls for special events (holiday, new catalog, etc) The more often you are in front of your customers – the more often they think of you.
2. Create a Customer VIP Program. People want to feel important and recognized. Create a Customer VIP Program and give them special discounts, the “first look” at new products, best available dates for parties, etc. For full details on how to run a Customer VIP Program, check out our Customer Care Training Library.
3. Give Customers more than they expect. There is no such thing as “too much” customer service. Send “Thank you” notes for no reason other than to say thanks. Offer discounts at random times throughout the year. Send free gifts with large purchases with no notice. The more people feel appreciated, the more likely they are to not only do business with you but send referrals your way as well.
4. Resolve complaints and conflicts quickly. In a perfect world, every customer would be wildly happy every single day. However, this is the real world and sometimes problems arise – shipping delays, back orders, products malfunctioning, etc.
Show your customers that you really care
Personally take care of the problem as best as you possibly can.
5. Make it easy for your customers to find you. Offer as many contact methods as possible, so that when a customer reaches out, she feels like she will be able to get to you. Email, cell phone, social media, etc are all great contact methods.
Also, make your contact methods easy to remember by using a universal business name as often as possible. (i.e.,,, etc)
[Tweet “Make it easy for customers to reach you! Have the same name on all social media and respond quickly!”]
6. Build strong relationships with your Customers. We are all in the business of relationships. The more your customers like you, the more they will do business with you and encourage their friends to do the same.
Spend time daily interacting on social media. Send birthday and anniversary cards. Create special Customer Appreciation events every quarter for your customers like parties, barbecue’s, tea parties, Open Houses, etc.
Your customers will feel important when they are included in these kinds of business and special events.
7. Make it easy for Customers to use your website. As important as it is for your customers to be able to reach you, it is also important that they can help themselves as well.
Having a website where they can shop, check their order status, view current specials, etc goes a long way in customers feeling supported. If possible, have a “FAQ” page on your site to explain any questions your customers may have.
If your company only allows you to use their Corporate site, use your blog or Facebook Page to house your FAQ’s. You can list your order processes, delivery dates, product knowledge, Hostess Program, Opportunity, and more!
You can even ask your customers to fill out an online survey to find out how to make your site more user-friendly.
8. Always be polite. You must always be very aware of your words – in today’s overly transparent world, what you say can either lift you up or haunt you for a very long time.
You must always be aware that the things you say – both out loud and on social media – can never be taken back.
Before saying or posting anything, stop and think “if this was the very first thing a potential customer saw, would she want to do business with me?” Imagine every status update is someone’s very first impression of you. Is it the right one?
Make sure everything you put out into the universe is becoming of a direct sales professional. Also, use the words “you’re welcome”, “thank you”, “please” etc often.
Be calm and polite even when they are upset. Be willing to apologize first in the event you make a mistake, and then make up for them in a big way.
[Tweet “Before posting on social media, stop and think “is this the best first impression I want to give?””]
9. Create a Product of the Month Club. This is a benefit to both you and your Customers. Assign a product for each month of the year, and if possible offer it at a flat rate to be billed and auto-shipped each month.
This not only keeps a constant flow of orders coming in each month but also gives you a “reason” to reach out to past customers to talk about the new month’s special.
For instance, if you are with a candle company, choose a new scent to feature each month. If you are representing a jewelry company, choose a different stone each month. If you are in the romance industry, choose a different romantic theme for each month with a coordinating product. The sky is the limit!
10. Make sure your entire team uses the same Customer Service practices. Explain to your team the importance of Customer Service and Customer Care.
By all using the same “policies”, your Customers will always know what to expect in the instance of having to pass along a party or order.You always want to use a system that works for your customers, your hostesses, and your team.
Our Diva Success System can help you create a system that works for you.