Join The 100 Party Challenge at Party Plan Divas

Are you ready to make this year your biggest and best year yet? I am too and to help you get there I am issuing the Party Plan Divas One Hundred Party Challenge to the E-N-T-I-R-E Direct Sales Community! By taking this challenge you are setting the goal to do 100 parties – catalog parties, online parties, and live parties – all in one year!!

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Are you ready!? Grab your Challenge Badge and Party Tracker below! Right click and Save As to share the photo to your social media sites or put it as a reminder on your phone!

The download and print the Party Tracker. The Party Tracker will help keep you on track all year long!

Simply fill in the dates of your parties in order as they close to complete 100 parties this calendar year! Hang this tracker where you can see it often – or even put it in your Diva Success System Planner! 


One Hundred Party Challenge Tracker Sheet

Happy New Year Divas!! 


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