100 Ways To Get Bookings
Are you a direct seller looking to boost your business and fill up your calendar with bookings?
You’re in luck!
In our latest blog post, “100 Ways to Get Bookings,” we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of proven strategies and tactics to help you secure more bookings than ever before.
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Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these innovative ideas will provide you with a wealth of opportunities to connect with potential clients and keep your schedule brimming with exciting events.
Get ready to take your direct selling game to the next level as we dive into a treasure trove of booking-boosting techniques.
Before we get started you can get all these expert tips in an easy to print PDF right HERE
1. Send a catalog to a co-worker who has moved.
2. Send a catalog to other reps that you know or exchange shows.
3. Post a catalog in the teacher’s lounge at your child’s school.
4. Post a catalog in the employee lunchroom.
5. Hold an open house.
6. Have a booth at a school fair.
7. Advertise in your alumni newsletter and or local paper.
8. Give a catalog to the receptionist at your doctor’s or dentist’s office.
9. Include your card or flyer with your bill payments.
10. Call past Hostesses.
11. Put current catalog in your neighbor’s door…include a 10% off coupon or Gift Card.
12. Ask friends to have a show.
13. Advertise in your church bulletin.
14. Take to presentations and serve at open houses.
15. Host an office party or brunch.
16. Host a show before or during a PTA Meeting.
17. Mail out catalogs and a wish list.
18. Host your own show. Could even be a fundraiser for your favorite charity.
19. Get a list from Welcome Wagon. New people may be looking for a consultant or a new job in this area.
20. Set up a display at a craft fair.
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21. Participate in a school fund-raiser.
22. Have your husband or significant other promote the products at work.
23. Have you and your family members wear a promotional T-shirt.
24. Hold a Christmas Shopping Show for men (or for Mother’s Day).
25. Offer a Christmas wish list to your guest and then call the gift giver and tell him what the guests wants.
26. Set up a display at a mall.
27. Put an “ask me about ????” button on your purse or coat.
28. Ask a past hostess at show to talk about their free products.
29. Hold an opportunity night.
30. Random mailings. Open a phone book and randomly choose.
31. Mention hostess half-price combos and other benefits at least 3 times per show.
32. Hold up higher priced products and mention half-price products to encourage bookings.
33. Mention how much your “average” hostess gets in products.
34. At the beginning of your show, mention the hostess goal.
35. Share upcoming specials at shows and during phone calls.
36. Tell your hostess how much she saved by having her show.
37. Encourage frequent customers to regularly plan shows.
38. Encourage hostesses to rebook a show in 6-9 months. She’ll get to see the new products at her next show.
39. Treat hostesses to a special “Hostess Appreciation Tea”.
40. Encourage relatives to book a show.
41. Call your realtor with suggestions for “New Home Packages”.
42. Offer to do a class for your local grocery store.
43. Start an E-mail address book of customers who want to know what the monthly specials are; don’t forget to mention the hostess specials. If there isn’t one, create one!
44. Encourage your hostesses and guests to refer potential hostesses to you.
45. Offer a bridal registry.
46. Promote at Bridal shows.
47. Describe and highlight the hostess plan during shows.
48. Be friendly and enthusiastic and talk to strangers.
49. Follow through on every booking lead (VERY IMPORTANT!)
50. ASK, ASK, ASK everyone you know
51. Use
52. Use your products and recipes at home, office, camping, parties, etc.
53. Read sales, self-improvement and positive thinking books for self-confidence and to think “outside the box”
54. Call at least two potential hostesses every night.
55. Dream and imagine the possibilities and share the business with everyone.
56. Set goals and review them constantly on numbers of people to connect with. Post them where you can see them.
57. Ask friends to help you get started or reach a certain goal.
58. Use hostess benefits flyers.
59. Use postcards and or newsletters to continue to spark interest.
60. Follow up phone calls to particularly interested guests. They may decide later to have a show.
61. Have the hostess tell why she decided to host a show.
62. Give products as gifts or donations.
63. Don’t be shy talking about your products or your business.
64. Smile when talking on the phone.
65. Review orders from past shows – who have bought frequently, etc.
66. Be prepared to answer questions about your work, know what you do and why you do it.
67. Write down names & numbers of people who “owe you a favor” then follow up.
68. Call the most familiar people first.
69. Call potential hostesses who postponed or never booked.
70. Spend time every day working on some aspect of our business.
71. Be willing to share the business opportunity—- if you don’t someone else will.
72. Call anyone who has said “maybe” or “sometime.”
73. Advertise in football or musical programs.
74. Leave your business cards on bulletin boards or in local businesses.
75. Talk about upcoming specials with everyone.
76. Donate a basket to a local radio station to give away during special promos (mother’s day).
77. Keep a list of special requests and let those guests know when that product is on sale.
78. Suggest hosting a show to do Christmas shopping without leaving home.
79. Offer a bonus for hostesses who book on days and or months when you need an extra show or two.
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80 Give extra service and time to good customers – they will be repeat hostesses and potential consultants.
81. Carry a notepad to jot down names as you think of them.
82. Let guests keep a catalog. They can keep it on hand or pass around work.
83. Set up a display at your exercise place.
84. Set up a display at a health fair.
85. Participate in local merchant’s open house or other event – offer a basket for a drawing.
86. Join in with consultants from other companies and hold an open house!
87. Ask if you can put samples in new mom bags that are frequently given in OB-GYN offices
88. Hold a special drawing or monthly drawings at a local hair salon/fitness club.
89. Ask the hostess for the names of 2 guests who didn’t make the show.
90. Put a jar in a local tanning salon or other business for people to enter to win a free gift/party. (With permission) follow up on the names/numbers entered.
91. Carry a basket with products and coupons (ranging in value) offer to people when you see them for a particular month.
92. Post a flyer on the inside of bathroom stalls.
93. Leave a catalog with business cards attached in waiting rooms. (Esp. at the salon) Put a sticker coupon on the cards.
94. Leave some samples with your card on the counter at the pediatrician’s office (with permission)
95. Carry small children’s gift (dollar store) with you, wrapped in simple tissue with a bow. Attach your gift card to the outside and offer to parents of crying children in your local store while shopping. They won’t forget you! You might even say, “Talk to me about a prepaid vacation for you and your family.”
96. Wear your logo tee to the gym when you work out.
97. Do a Mommy and Me Demo. Make it light and have something creative for the kids to do. A lot of moms don’t have childcare available, so this can include them.
98. Have a contest with the guests at your show to see who can come up with the most names & numbers of people to try the product. The one with the most names wins a free gift. (Make sure to follow up on All names)
99. Hold an Open House and invite your entire neighborhood – giving gifts to anyone who brings a friend from outside of the neighborhood.
100. Offer personalized baskets for 3 days to everyone you meet. Find out their needs and build a basket around that then focus on an RSVP special offer