John Maxwell Leadership Books
A few weeks ago John Maxwell and Nick Vujicic came to Pensacola to speak at our local civic center.
Since Mike and I own the coffee shop inside, I was super excited to get to attend this event and see one of my long time motivational heroes live on stage.
It was one of our busiest events of the year – but every chance I got to scoot in to watch them talk I did.
Even in those few sporadic moments that I was able to watch, John and Nick had so much wisdom and so much knowledge, I was inspired time and time again.

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John Maxwell is an internationally respected leadership expert, speaker, trainer, coach and author, whose philosophy is: “Everything rises and falls on leadership.”
For over 40 years, John has been teaching people to answer their call to lead, to add value and make a difference.
I actually laughed out loud when he talked about how “easy” it was for him to be up one stage. “Do you want to know why? Because I have done it TWELVE THOUSAND TIMES. Twelve thousand. That is why I am good.”
As someone who travels to speak at conferences and conventions, I can only pray that
Nick Vujicic was absolutely incredible – giving us a whole new perspective on obstacles and challenges we face daily.
Without any medical explanation, Nick was born in 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, without arms and legs. He struggled for years with “why me – why this” but through faith and love decided to use his enormous obstacles for good.
Since he began speaking at age 19, Nick has traveled around the world, sharing his story with millions, sometimes in stadiums filled to capacity, speaking to a range of diverse groups such as students, teachers, young people, business professionals and church congregations of all sizes. Today this dynamic young evangelist has accomplished more than most people achieve in a lifetime.
He’s an author, musician, actor, and his hobbies include fishing, painting and swimming. .
I was frantically taking notes on my iPhone every time I walked in there – and the very first one was “You must always be growing. Always. Growth is happiness.”
I have always said I was an “eternal student” – wanting to soak up every bit of knowledge I could (even though I wasn’t a big fan of school, I was always a fan of learning) so when I saw the table with books for sale – I knew I had to have them.
And then – I knew you had to have them too. I am super excited to be offering one lucky Diva this set of books from John Maxwell Live.

I am about half way through the first book, and I for sure have to add it to my Top Ten Books For Direct Sellers.