Top Ten Tuesday – FREE iPhone Apps for Party Plan Divas
In my years in business I have always been the girl with the “best new phone”, and have paid unbelievable amounts of money getting the “next big thing.”
I have had the enormous PalmPilots, the HTC, The PocketPCs, and was an absolute lover of my Blackberry Curve.
I really thought it just couldn’t get any better than my Curve.
With the merging of Alltel to Verizon, and the horrible Customer Service I received at Verizon (I miss you Alltel!!) I left my 10 year account status, though begrudgingly, and went on the suggestion of Mike from KTeller to get an iPhone.
I was a “Blackberry Snob” but Mike kept saying “Lynsey, the Apps just arent the same.”
I should have known Mike would never steer me wrong.
I got the iPhone 3G for only $99 – far cheaper than most of my other phones had been – as well as an Unlimited plan for only $99.
I was paying $149 at Verizon for a limited plan that I was frequently going over – or even just fearing going over.
That was initially why I chose AT&T – regardless of those ridiculous commercials Verizon has trying to slam on them.
I hate slander-style marketing. I have never had a single problem, even traveling, with my iPhone – just sayin.
Since starting to talk about my love for my iPhone I have been pleased to learn how many of my Divas have one as well!! To today for Top Ten Tuesday I wanted to tell you about my Favorite 10 FREE Apps I use for business on my iPhone.
Top 10 Business Planning Apps
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I will tell you, it was WAY harder than I thought to narrow it down to ten.
1. AccuWeather – this is my very first “tap” every single day. I try not to wake the Hubby when I rise at 5:30, so I can check this without having to turn the TV on. However, it also has the BEST radar feature, and recently we had a very bad storm that I knew I was going to have to drive through. I went a little out of my way, but also avoided the worst of the storm, and got to my party safely.
2. aNote – a great little note-taking application that allows you to create different colored file folders for notes and thoughts. I have a file for Party Plan Divas, a File for my Party Plan Business, a file for my Daughters, etc. Comes pre populated with a Shopping List and To Do List.
3. WordPress – Of course! Edit and post on the go. Take pictures and automatically post, edit pages, manage comments – even get your statistics right on your phone! It’s great for when that “moment of inspiration” happens, and you think of something you want to share.
4. Dragon Dictation – this thing is AWESOME. Simply talk into the speaker, and this app will convert it into text for you. I am amazed that even as Southern as I talk, it still understood me – even talking quickly. Very impressive App that I use almost daily.
5. Echofon – the best Twitter app ever! This one works just like Twitter without trying to add a bunch of other random crap you don’t need. Remember, Twitter is about relationships – not just who is talking about your favorite hashtag – do that searching at home. I love that when I am waiting in line to pick up my girls, or waiting for my food at a restaurant or in a waiting room – I can quickly pull up Echofon and connect with MY Twitterverse.
6. Facebook – Facebook has a “push” feature, so my Notifications are sent to me in a quiet little text. I like that most of the time I can respond or reply to someone while they are still online. And just like Echofon, I can pull it up when I have a few free minutes, staying on top of my Social Networking in my spare time.
7. YahooMessenger – Also pushed to my phone I get messages immediately from my YahooMessenger. I talk a LOT on YahooMessenger. I joke often about how much business can be conducted via Instant Messages! Stefanie my designer, Kerri our UK Coach, Mike my webguy – all people I talk to almost daily via YahooMessenger, and always on my iPhone.
8. Bump – this is a fun App for sharing information with other iPhone users. I read somewhere that it was the “One Billionth App” but it is certainly really cool technology. The way Bump works is you launch the App, and literally BUMP another iPhone and it will show a “permission” screen where you choose the information you want to share. It is a cross between an electronic business card and just “I will save your number in my phone.” You can share name, email, phone numbers, address, photo, etc. With each permission, you choose what you want to share. This App has come in handy in the Ordering Room – sharing information with new Hostesses, at Expos – sharing information with other Vendors, and also at our Diva Success Sisters and Team meetings – sharing our information with one another.
9. MileBug Lite – I am the absolute World’s WORST at remembering to write down my mileage. To the dismay of my CPA, I have to spend an entire day each quarter with MapQuest trying to track all of the mileage to parties, meetings, events, etc. Mileage is a HUGE tax write off for us, so it is truly something that needs to be tracked every day for the most advantage. MileBugLite allows “presets” – so for instance each month I have meetings in the same place, so those are preset to add in for each event. With each “trip” you can categorize the purpose of the trip AND if there were any expenses on that trip. AWESOME for tax time!
10. AroundMe – I recently began a new Chapter of Diva Success Sisters in Navarre Florida which is truly just on the outskirts of my “old stomping grounds” – it is a place I thought I knew where EVERYTHING was. So when my Founder told me where the restaurant was I REALLY didnt think I would have any trouble getting there. You may remember my Tweet of that night – and how I had never seen fog that think in my LIFE, and I got totally lost. I pulled up AroundMe, searched Restaurants, and it led me directly to their front door. A week later I drove to Talahassee Florida for a party, and as I got close to the Hostess’s house I was getting low on gas and knew it would be after dark before the party ended, so I pulled up AroundMe, and found a gas station just 2 miles from where I was. I was able to get straight there, get gas, and get to my Hostess on time without driving around “looking” for a station in a town I dont know.
These are MY Top 10 Favorite FREE Apps for my phone. There are a gazillion Apps available for iPhones with more being added daily to the App Store. I would love to hear what your favorite Apps are for your phone!