AroundMe iPhone App
Hi! Thanks for stopping by the 30 Days of Faves Blog Party hosted here at The Party Plan Coach! Each day Divas from around the World will be highlighting their favorite products from their Home Party Plan line. I will be highlighting my favorite business tips, tools, and inspiration for you to help build your Home Party Plan business. Be sure to check back every day in June to see what’s new!
AroundMe iPhone App
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It is no secret that I am a huge lover of all things Apple. My iPhone4 and iPad are loved like members of the family. So when I find an App that I love, I have to share with everyone!
AroundMe is probably my #3 most used app behind Calengoo and TheWeatherChannel. AroundMe uses GPS to locate your exact location when the app is launched, and will then tell you everything that is near – Gas Stations, Grocery Stores, Hospitals, Banks, Hotels, Movie Theaters… you can even search for a specific business using their search function.
I fell in love with AroundMe the first month I had my iPhone when I was out it the outskirts of Tallahassee Florida for a party. I had foolishly forgotten about the time difference between Pensacola and Tallahassee, so I was on the verge of being late to my party when I saw my gas light come on. Naturally the party was WAY out in the boonies, so I went to my party, praying I would not run out of gas before I found a gas station (in the dark) on the way home. After my party I hopped in the car and called Mike to put him on notice that I may run out of gas, and he would then have to travel the 2 hours to come get me. He was not thrilled, and reminded me of AroundMe. Turned out I was less than 1 mile from a gas station – heading the OPPOSITE direction from the Interstate, so without AroundMe, I would never have found it.
AroundMe not only lets you locate the venue you are looking for, but will show you a map, guide you there step by step, give you the phone number to the location, and even let you add it to your contacts for use later. I absolutely love it!