Build A Business Blog – Getting Started
Hey Diva! Welcome to the PartyPlanDivas Build A Business Blog
A direct sales blog can help you to increase your online presence by helping you to rank in search engines, create a resource for current and future customers, connect with potential team members worldwide, and create a place for exceptional customer care.

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Before starting this eCourse, here are a few quick tips to help get you ready for the next 30 days.
First, I am super excited to offer this eCourse as another benefit to the Party Plan Divas Community. In the last few months there has been a lot of negativity surrounding our industry – and sadly it isn’t without reason.
My hope is by offering this course it will help to flood the internet with the positive side of the direct sales industry.
Please feel free to share any of the posts in this series as well as any of the content from the PartyPlanDivas Blog using the share buttons found along the top of each post.
Nothing would make me happier than to see hundreds of direct sales blogs changing the conversation on the industry and helping everyone to be more successful.
Next, we have Divas at every level of blogging just like we have Divas at every level with their direct sales business – so some training may seem elementary to some, and overwhelming to others. It’s ok. I am here every step of the way.
This course is designed for beginners, but even if you have an established blog, this is a good refresher course to make sure you have maximized every aspect of your site.
Do not try to complete this eCourse all at one time – blogging is a BIG undertaking and not something you want to rush through. It can also be crazy confusing.
Please trust me that after 8+ years of helping set people up with blogs for their business, there is a reason why I have it outlined the way that I do.

A few other quick things:
If you already have a .com that you have been forwarding to your replicating company site, I suggest you build your blog ON that domain and not start another. Your blog will become the main hub for your online presence so it will link clearly to your replicating site.
You do not need – nor will your customers remember – two different domains. If you have a domain already you can technically skip to day four, but I do suggest you read over days 1-3 for anything you may have missed.
This course is focused around using a self-hosted WordPress blog. This is NOT a blog. This is also not a or blog.
If you have a blog already established on any of those and you want to change to a self-hosted WordPress, I can point you in the right direction. A self-hosted WordPress blog WILL cost you a few dollars a month but will give you ownership of your content (the others do not) plus almost unlimited functionality while the others are incredibly limited.
Blogging is a commitment – I want to teach you the right way from Day One.
Go at your own pace – and do not get stressed or overwhelmed. A lot of you are reading this *thinking* about starting a blog. What you need to know is that a blog – while it can be incredibly beneficial – is also time-consuming.
There is a learning curve to “get it” and then time to maintain it and grow it into something you can be proud of. It will not happen overnight. In fact, it will not even happen in a week. BUT – you will probably start to see growth by the time this course is coming to an end.
Speaking of the end… I am not sure how many days it will be yet. It was supposed to be a 30 Day course. Then I went back over things and it became a 33-day course… then a 35-day course… then… you get my point. The reason why is because blogging – like direct sales – is constantly changing and evolving.
And this course will as well – just like all of the other training we have on Party Plan Divas. Embrace it. Roll with it. Get EXCITED about it. It is going to be fun.
Remember I am always here to help! And I can not WAIT to start reading all of your amazing blogs!