How To Build Your Business On Twitter

Twitter is a fabulous platform to build a brand connection with others who are interested in your business. While some may say Twitter’s reach is slowly fading, I think that it’s still a very useful business growth tool.

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On Twitter, you can engage with others in a more personal and immediate manner. Create lists to build engagement and much more. Today I’m going to share 6 ways to build your business on Twitter.

Understand Twitter

Your first step to building your business on Twitter is to understand the conversations that happen on this social media platform.

You should research the conversations surrounding your niche, find popular hashtags using a tool like RiteTag and then formulate a plan to communicate in a way that works best for Twitter users.

Set Up Your Profile

You will need to have a keyword rich Twitter profile that pertains to your business. Be sure to include the URL to your business website as well as any popular hashtags that pertain to your business.

This helps you keep your Twitter business bio area up to date with the latest information for your brand. Think of your Twitter profile as a mini-elevator pitch to potential customers.

Be an Expert

The number one mistake many businesses make on Twitter is that they focus more on the numbers than reach. It’s important to engage and share information that places you as a trusted and credible source for your business niche.

You can do this by only sharing pertinent information that’s been well-researched and builds trust within the community you have on Twitter.

Develop a Plan

Now that you have taken the time to research the most popular hashtags within your niche, how to engage effectively on Twitter and placed yourself in a position to be an expert in your field, you should develop a plan.

Every business owner needs a solid marketing plan. Take the time to create a social media editorial calendar that plans out your day to day updates on Twitter. 


Share Similar Brands

Many business owners shy away from sharing a similar brand’s messages. It’s actually really good to share other influencers information and business owners details on Twitter using Retweet or engaging with an @ reply.

This helps the Twitter users see that you’re a real person and know this niche inside out. The internet is a large world and you’ll find other brands will start to share your stuff when you engage. 

Track Analytics

You will want to make sure to analyze your Twitter data using your dashboard on this platform. This helps you to see what’s been working and how you can adjust your marketing plan to suit the interest of your followers.

Knowing what is working, what time of day is best and how to engage your audience will help you build your business on Twitter quicker.

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There you have it; these 6 ways to build your business on Twitter will surely inspire you to get started.

Whether you hire an assistant to help market your brand on Twitter or you do this yourself, practicing each of these tips I shared today will truly build your business in no time at all.  

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