Top 10 Tuesday: 10 Golden Rules of Success

This week we are talking about the Top 10 things YOU can do to ensure the success of your Party Plan Business!

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10 Golden Rules of Success

1. Use Your Own Products. You must BE a product of your products! How can you succeed with a product line if you do not use and love it yourself!?

2. Attend every event possible. In our industry, you must never stop learning.  Even if you have heard it all 100 times, until you are utilizing and practicing every SINGLE idea, continue to go to every event possible.  Can’t “afford” to go – honey, you can’t afford NOT to go.  The tools you will walk away with will ensure your success.  Period.

3.  It is what it is. Many times in my coaching I hear “well, I haven’t become successful because my company doesn’t do this” or “well, we don’t sell this product, so I haven’t really had high sales”.  Ladies, this is an excuse.  Do not excuse yourself from success. There are other women with the exact same company, exact same products, and exact same opportunity that are successful.  Think of it this way – when you ARE successful and have a wonderfully large active team, then when your company DOES add all of those things you were using as an excuse – MORE people will get to reap the benefits!!

4. Always think and be positive. Regardless of what is going on at the time.  You must expect the best, always. It is the Law of Attraction.  People only want to do business with other people who are upbeat, fun, and positive.  When you ARE that person, you will attract those kinds of people, and the world will be in your hands!

5. Goal Setting is a must! How can you reach your destination without a map?! Or, when will you even KNOW if you have succeeded if you never really knew where you were headed in the first place?  It has been proven over and over that those who are successful are those who sat down and wrote out clear, concise goals.  You are not the exception – get your goals written down now!

6. Nothing wrong with a Copycat. There is no reason to try to reinvent the wheel.  This business is simple. It is not EASY, but it is simple.  Practice what you have been taught.  Do what the successful people do.  And you, in turn, will be successful. Simple.

7. Be a Diva every day. Busy people get things done and consistent actions bring big results over time. Consistency in even the smallest of actions will bring enormous results over time.  Do something every single day to move your business forward, and do not go to bed until you have it done.  Period.

8.  Sell with the Goal to Sponsor. Not every customer will join your business, BUT you must make sure they know the opportunity is there.  Invite everyone you do business with to join your team and be a success owning their own business.  You never know who might just say yes!

9.  Be the Leader you would want to have. Whether you have a phenomenal sponsor or not, always choose to be one yourself.  Leadership skills are critical to the success of a Party Plan Business.  Do all of the things you instruct your team to do, and then share your experience and results as inspiration.

10.  Never Quit. A man once said, “One secret to success is simply holding on while everyone else let’s go.”  This business is constantly moving and constantly changing.  Every top earner will have as many stories of struggles and challenges as she has of successes and triumphs.  Party Plan is not for the weak at heart.  It takes dedication, perseverance, and determination to truly make it to the top.  But once you get there…. girl, it was worth every moment.

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