Introducing The 30 Days of Faves Blog Party

The 30 Days of Faves Blog Party is a way for Home Party Plan Consultants to showcase their favorite products and learn new ideas and techniques for Product Demos, Party Presentations, and Sales! Each day all of our Divas will post a Blog, Facebook, or YouTube of one of their favorite products from their own Home Party Plan Company.
Why A Blog Party?
In the “Blogosphere” of Mommy Blogging, Blog Parties are very common – but not so much in the Party Plan and Direct Sales market. That is – until NOW! A Blog Party is a great way for you to make connections, build your brand, and meet new people – all from the comfort of your own computer. The main focus of any Blog Party is simple – to form relationships. In our industry, relationships are critical to the survival of our businesses – both for customers but also for SUPPORT!
Check out this video for a “demo” Demo! 🙂
How to party with us:
- Read and comment on THIS post to be entered in the drawing for PRIZES. Prizes will be awarded AFTER the Blog Party closes.
- If you have a blog, write a party post NOW introducing the 30 Days of Faves on your site and invite your readers to check it out too! Include a Blog Button from the sidebar on the right.
- Add your blog url, your facebook link, your YouTube link and/or your Twitter link to the appropriate Mr. Linky below. (will be live on June 1, 2011)
- Visit tons of blogs, facebook pages, YouTubes and follow new twitter friends from the Mr. Linkies. Say hello, introduce yourself, and tell your Sister Diva you are visiting from the 30 Days of Faves Blog Party. Start building friendships right away!
Get Started Now:
Invite your friends! Put our Invitation Button on your sidebar and write a post inviting all your friends. Use the button codes in the sidebar to the right.
On June 1st, begin posting a daily “fave” highlighting one of your favorite products from your own home party plan company. You can include images, video, benefits, features, testimonials, and even a link to “buy now.” Each day you will post another new product that is a “fave” and so on – for an ENTIRE MONTH!
Please be considerate of another and keep ALL of your party posts rated “G”. We recognize that “family friendly” is a subjective term, so we just ask you to use your best judgment. If, however, you see a post or site that contains nudity or vulgar language or images, please let us know.
During the month of June, keep the excitement going by Tweeting and Facebooking about the 30 Days of Faves Blog Party as well as your individual posts. Use the hashag #30DaysOfFaves
Sign the Mr. Linky here at The Party Plan Coach
When your post is published, add the permalink of your party post to the Mr. Linky here at The Party Plan Coach in our 30 Days of Faves Blog Party Post. The Blog Party will run for one month, from Wednesday,June 1, 2011 to Thursday June 30, 2011. Participating Divas will come back daily to add their new post url to the Mr Linky on this page.
Get out and PARTY! When the party starts on June 1st, search the Mr. Linky and check out fellow Divas posts to learn more about them and their products. Be sure to leave a comment on each one, and let them know you came from the Party Plan Divas 30 Days of Faves Blog Party! When you come back to add your link the next day, check out more Divas and comment on their posts, and so on. 🙂
1. YOUR OPPORTUNITY CAN NOT BE ONE OF YOUR FAVES. We have a STRICT no cross recruiting policy here at Party Plan Divas as we all believe it is incredibly tacky to try and recruit another Party Plan Consultant into your business when she is already with a company. So, just so there is no confusion or issue, please keep this meme strictly to tangible (or digital, you know what I mean) products.
2. Please keep EVERYTHING Rated “G” This meme will be going out among the masses, and we want to make sure that we do not offend ANYONE in ANY WAY. So please make sure that your post/product/video/demo is appropriate – even for children to watch.
3. Please commit to the entire month. I KNOW 30 days is a long time, and I have even struggled with getting 30 days worth of posts up (just ask Jan lol) but please – for me, for you, for your online presence, do not start if you cant finish. The beauty of putting this on your blog of course is the ability to schedule posts – I suggest you do a few at a time, and schedule them out ahead of time.

That’s it! let’s get ready to PARTY!