Party Plan Consultant Holiday Stress Management
Ahhh… the Holidays. Cooler temperatures… twinkling lights… carols on the radio… children playing… Yule Tide Cheer….. Long lines… cranky shoppers…. shipping delays…. back orders…. party cancellations…. AHHHH!!!
The Holidays are a wonderfully festive, happy time of year… but they can also be the most STRESSFUL time of year! As a Party Plan Consultant, we add ANOTHER layer of stress as things really pick up for our busiest Selling Season of the year.
If you are feeling the pressure already or see it just on the horizon, put these tips into place now to make sure you have a fun, successful holiday season!

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Consultant Holiday Stress Management
1. Schedule YOUR Holiday Events FIRST!!
There is never a more important time to keep your Diva Success System Planner at your reach at all times.
If you do not generally keep a calendar (yeah, I know you are still out there), use this season to help get you in the habit!
Spend an hour writing in all of your personal holiday festivities so that you will not schedule anything during these times.
Nothing kills the Holiday Spirit more than missing your favorite activity simply over poor planning.
2. Set Feel Good Goals For Yourself.
What do you want to achieve this season? And not just business-wise. Ask yourself “If TIME was no object, I would…”
Who do you want to spend time with? Who have you not seen since LAST holiday season? What kind of civic activities do you want to participate in?
Likewise, how many people do you want to help either with their shopping or their financial freedom by offering the gifts your company provides?
Schedule time for these activities, and let these items take priority over the mundane tasks of day to day.
3. Be Realistic With Your Expectations.
When you begin to schedule your business activities, be realistic with your time and energy.
Decide what you are going to do during your “business hours” and then set boundaries for yourself inside of those business hours.
Do not over exhaust yourself trying to “do it all.”
The Holidays are supposed to be the happiest time of year. This may be the absolute most important time to follow the Diva Success System to know exactly what needs to get done each day of the week, so you know your business is taken care of even with the hustle of the season.
4. Keep in Contact with your Corporate Office.
Even if it is simply logging into your account once a day, you need to know what is going on with your Corporate Headquarters.
Trust me when I tell you that THEY are just as busy as you are.
Review Holiday Shipping Schedules, Back Order Reports, etc- DAILY.
This information you will share with your Customers to not only be masterful in Customer Service, but also to avoid added, unnecessary stress when it comes to delivery of ordered products.
5. Build a Sense of Fail-Safe Achievement.
Every morning ask yourself, “What two small things can I do that, no matter what else happens, will make it a good day for me?”
Then do these two small things, and congratulate yourself for achieving them.
These two things can be family or business related – it is about completing at least 2 tasks each day, no matter what. This combats the feeling of “never getting anything done” with a sense of achievement daily.
The holidays are supposed to be a time of faith, family, friends, and fun.
You will NEVER have the Holiday Season of 2015 again.
Spend time with those you love – even the ones that drive you crazy. Remember what is important this year – and don’t sweat the small stuff. (and it is ALL small stuff!)
Remember always that life goes on, January DOES in fact come, the in laws leave… life DOES go back to normal.
Do not look back on the holidays wishing you had “spent more time with Grandma” or “gone to see the lights with the kiddos.”
We all do this business so that we have the freedom to be with (and support!) the ones we love.
Now more than ever, live the dream of BEING a Party Plan Diva.