Keep It Simple, Sister – Simple Steps To Success In Your Home Party Plan Business
When I first began with direct sales, my mentor would tell me “This business is simple, but it isn’t always easy.” I was not sure what she meant at first, but before long it was clear – our business is full of “simple” tasks… but getting those tasks organized and then Overcoming The Fear of Failure and Getting Out Of Our Own Way makes it… well not so easy.
Since starting PartyPlanDivas I have worked with thousands of consultants all over the world and while everyone has had different goals and different obstacles, there are a few simple changes that have helped every single one of them to be more successful in their businesses.

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Have a System
A System is defined as “a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done; an organized scheme or method.” Most jobs in the corporate world have systems or processes for how each aspect of the business is run.
These systems make brick and mortar businesses run more efficiently and more smoothly… something that every Direct Sales Consultant wants more of.
Your system needs to include every aspect of your business – including things like Hostess Coaching, Customer Care Calls, Team Coaching, Gardening, Social Media Promotion and more.
We, of course, offer The Diva Success System which is the very foundation of everything taught here in our community – but you must find a system that works for YOU.
Plan Your Days
Part of our Diva Success System assigns a task to each day making it easy to stay on top of your business and focus on the profit-producing activities without getting bogged down by the time-consuming tasks.
Plan your days to make sure you are completing at least one Profit Producing activity every single day.
Tip*: Profit Producing Tasks always involve other people… so things like Hostess Coaching, Team Coaching, Working a Vendor Event, etc. Time-Consuming Tasks are things you can do completely alone in the middle of the night and have the same result… so things like putting together hostess packets, inputting customer care info, and updating Facebook.
Every night before you go to bed, make out your plan for the next day. What tasks MUST you complete? Who MUST you reach out to? What PROFIT PRODUCING activity will you focus on?
Make Follow Up Simple
Follow Up is one of the most important – yet least done – activity in our industry. Personal Follow Up is one of the benefits to small businesses and being able to really take care of your customers will benefit you for many years to come.
Creating a follow-up system that is easy to use and easy to remember is crucial. A simple Customer Care Card File Box can work or if you are more techy, check out our Customer Care Templates to keep everything at your fingertips.
Plan Your Year
When does your holiday line release? When is Convention? Is there a qualification period? Do you have a summer catalog? What is your slowest month of the year? Should you maybe run the Dollar Days Booking Promotion that month?
Go ahead and look at your entire year and map out any promotions, new releases, holidays etc. Use these to help guide your goals and keep yourself on track.
For instance, if your Incentive Trip Qualification Period starts in August, you may want to have August as a “Dollar Days” month to really build momentum right from the start.
Social Media is probably the biggest time-suck to our businesses. While it is important to maintain an online presence, it is very easy to get sucked into conversations and videos and whatnot.
By automating some of your social media you can maintain your online presence without having to actually be online – giving you more time to focus on the profit-producing activities for your business.
My list of Must-Have Apps For Direct Sellers as well as Best Social Media Scheduling Tools is a great place to start.
Plant Lots of Seeds
A fundamental truth of our industry is that if you are not as busy as you want to be, it simply means not enough people know that you do what you do.
Gone are the days of working your “warm market” can generate success – you must be willing to step out of your comfort zone and reach people you have never met before.
At PartyPlanDivas we call marketing “Gardening” because you have to think about it like planting seeds of success for your business to grow. Every “seed” you plant – handing out a business card, giving away a sample, mailing a brochure, etc – has the potential to “grow” into business.
Like with a garden – the more seeds you plant, the larger your garden will grow. The same is true with your business.
Focus On Consistency
Consistency is the #1 thing you can do to have success in your business. Even the smallest actions done consistently will reap enormous rewards. Sometimes it takes a bit of time, but if you will keep at it, you will see success.
Christine Kane said, “Consistent Action leads to Consistent Results.” In order for your business to run like a business – and in turn, pay you like a business – you must work with consistency.
This will not only make your business more successful but much easier as well, as those tasks you do consistently become second nature.