QR Codes for Party Plan Success

Hi! Thanks for stopping by the 30 Days of Faves Blog Party hosted here at The Party Plan Coach! Each day Divas from around the World will be highlighting their favorite products from their Home Party Plan line. I will be highlighting my favorite business tips, tools, and inspiration for you to help build your Home Party Plan business. Be sure to check back every day in June to see what’s new!
QR Codes for Party Plan Success
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More and more I have been seeing these little images pop up, on websites, blogs, and business cards. Even last night while I was at BestBuy picking out a new refrigerator, I noticed each appliance now sports one of these little guys. So what are they?
QR Codes were originally created for tracking parts in automobile manufacturing, but they have caught on quickly and are now being used for everything from marketing, information sharing, and customer care. Simply put, you can scan a QR Code with your Smartphone or other device, and you will be directed to whatever site that QR code is linked to.
On my iPhone I use QRReader, available free from the App Store. QRDroid gets great reviews from the Android market, and QRCode Scanner Pro for Blackberry users. Once you download the app, simply launch the application, scan the bar code, and you will be quickly routed to the website linked to that code. Check out a few of ours:

You can create your own QR Code at qrcode.kaywa.com and get started using your Codes right away!
QR Code ideas:
Create a QR Code for your Facebook Fan Page and put on your business cards to get more Fans!
Create a “hidden” Blog Post specifically for your “VIP” Customers with special deals or a special discount code and create a QR code directly to that post. Then share that QR code in your Constant Contact email, via text message, etc.
Create a QR Code for your Opportunity Page on your website, and use on VistaPrint Recruiting Cards.
What else can you think of?