Direct Sales Planner Tips to Boost Business All Year

Do you feel like you’re in a daily scramble to figure out what to do to build your business?

Are you wondering HOW to even plan your month when nothing seems to work?

If so this lesson is going to provide you with a lot of clarity.

Here’s what we’re going to get into:

Knowing Your Annual Goal
Planning Your Month & Reviewing It
Creating a Weekly Agenda
Tracking the Day to Day
Now I’ll tell you right now there are two types of people that I’ve noticed:

  • Planners
  • People Who Hate Planning

I’ll also let you in on the fact that I am the latter. I’m the “People Who Hate Planning”.

As you may know I didn’t create the Diva Success Planner, I inherited it when I purchased Party Plan Divas.

While I am not a fan of planning AT ALL, while I love to just go with the flow and see where the wind takes me I realize that after all these years in business you’ll only get so far without consistent planning.

So I do it. It might not be as organized or pretty as the planners plan, but it gets done! I recommend you non-planners do this do and you read this email. My advice can help!

Now you planners, I don’t need to convince you how important planning is!

Let’s start with the Annual Goal:

First you’ll want to know your income goal and you’ll want to know HOW to get there.

If your goal is to pay the mortgage each month do the math on that. What is the total per year. What do you need to do to achieve that goal?

So let’s say if you sell X number of products per month you’ll reach your goal.

Ok – you know the products you need to sell.

The next question is HOW will you sell them? Do you have a process that works? If so, great. If not, the first thing you’ll need to do is start exploring the BEST options.

I have already taught on some of the ways you can get sales in your direct sales business, or book parties, or find team members.

One being Email Marketing (my favorite). 
Another being Instagram Reels. 
I have planners on Facebook Groups and Pinterest.

There are so many ways you can attract people who can then become part of your free community (emails or groups, followers, etc). Once they see the value in your free community you want to convert them into customers via parties and/or marketing.

Once you know these things:

  1. Your income goal
  2. You main marketing practices

Then you can move on to this:

Creating a month by month plan to implement and achieve your goal!

Planning Your Month & Reviewing It

Before I get into the planner page from the Diva Success Planner that I suggest you use, I like to look at the whole year. I do this in a mindmap program but I used to do it on paper.

A super simple way to do this is to choose a monthly topic and then just list it out. That way you have something to follow. I used to do this in the hour that my son was at karate at the end of each year. It doesn’t need to take a long time.

Let me give you an example of a vegan blog I have called I intend to use that blog to promote my Juice Plus business.

Here’s an example of how I’d do that annual plan:

January – Veganuary
February – Avoiding Sweets or Replacing as a Vegan
March – Junk Food vs Whole Food Vegans

Once I know the monthly topic, the annual goal and the marketing plan of action I can get into the monthly, weekly and daily actions I need to take to make it happen!

Monthly Planning:

If you purchase the Diva Success System Planner here is what your monthly planner looks like:

If you have team meetings get those on the calendar.

All parties and upline meetings, get those on there, of course.

If you’re going to be creating content for social media posts, get it down.

If you’ll start and email your list, that needs consistent calendar time.

If you’ll do calls for new potential team members, decide now when that happens.

If you’ll do marketing or interviews, get it on the calendar.

Questions to ask yourself and/or your team at the end of a month:

What is one thing that worked well this month?
What is one thing that didn’t work well?
What is one minor goal for next month?
What is one major goal for next month?
How will I reward myself when I reach my goal?
At the end of the month recognize your top team members and those working hard on their goals. Of course support all team members as they grow at their own pace, too.

Weekly Planning:

Here’s what the Diva Success System Weekly Planner page looks like:

Your weekly planning is a bit of a repeat of the monthly but it gives you more space to get into more detail and it also allows for you to have something different to look at weekly.

Those of us who are non-planners definitely appreciate not looking at the exact same planner page each and every day for an entire month!

Weekly you’ll want to review what’s coming up the NEXT week so you can start preparing for it, too.

Daily Planning:

Here’s what your daily planner looks like in the Diva Success System Planner

What you do daily is really what makes all the difference in your business.

I’ve never been a person to plan my day down to the minute. I have been a full-time entrepreneur since 2007 and while I’m NOT great at setting schedules I AM great at creating habits that are my business systems.

I like it that way because I LOVE my freedom, I LOVE a clear schedule and since it’s my business I get to do what I LOVE 😉

Every day I email my list. This is actually my main thing. All the rest are secondary. So my first and one main task to do every single day is get the email out. If I do that then I have succeeded with my daily plan.

Your one plan each day might be to post in your Facebook group, or Follow up with people interested in hosting parties, or create and schedule your parties, etc.

Whatever it is having a daily plan of action and getting it done is super important.

That’s it for today’s planning plan!

If you’d like to have the printable by your site as you complete this important business activity you can get it until Saturday at 50% off ($15 vs $30) with coupon code: success.

Get it here: Diva Success System Planner
To save 50% use coupon code: success

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