Making Room For Success
The most common obstacle I hear from Divas at all level in their business is their lack of time.
Between family obligations, “real” jobs, keeping the house clean, taking care of elderly parents, children’s ball games, planning for weddings, trying to exercise, planning for babies… we are KNOWN for trying to juggle our lives and often putting entirely too much on our plate.
Then when you add in running a business which requires more time – more often than not it will lead to always feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and eventually anger, sadness, and ultimately failure.
If SUCCESS was to find you right now – right this very moment… would you have the room in your life to let it in?

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I often talk about how The Universe is designed to always give you exactly what you ask for.
The problem however, is that (contrary to many of our beliefs) you can only DO so much! I
f you are always busy, always running, always stressed, always taking on more, always running late… The Universe will not add one more thing to your plate!
You may have heard “You are never given more than you can handle”… well, ladies… that goes for the good in life, as well as the bad.
If you are already struggling to handle what is already going on in your life, how can you want the success you seek?
So how do you Make Room For Success?
Make no mistake – this is much easier said than done, and it is not and overnight process. It requires soul searching, prioritizing, being able to be brutally honest with yourself, and learning the ability to tell others NO when it comes to your life, and your business.
Know that in order to bring success into your life, you must “make room” – both figuratively and literally – for it to come in, and have room to stay.
Step 1: Make Room In Your Environment. I am a huge believer in Feng Shui – an Ancient Chinese system of arranging the physical things in your life to create the flow and space for the positive to flow freely into your life.
By using the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography or location) you create a positive “chi” in your atmosphere.
- Clean out your closets and donate the items you are not using.
- Create room in your File Cabinet for new files.
- Clear your Computer Desktop of the “short cut” icons that are cluttering your screen.
- Clean out your email inbox – even if it is only by filing the emails in virtual folders to read later.
- Clean out your CAR – there is just something about a cleaned vacuumed car that boosts your mood.
- Clean off your desk each and every night before you go to bed.
Step 2: Make Room In Your Heart. Think of it as Spring Cleaning of your soul.
- Let go of the anger you hold on to for someone who hurt you. Write letters to those people, and put them in a shoebox in your closet, or burn them in your fireplace. (Trust me, this is remarkably therapeutic) Be willing to walk away from the toxic people in your life – they are slowly killing you.
- Ask for forgiveness from someone you have hurt.
- Pay off a debt, or at least make arrangements to begin payments that you can feel good about.
- Let go of the doubts and insecurities that you have around yourself and your ability to run a wildly successful life and business.
- Write down three positive affirmations and put them on your bathroom mirror where you will read them every single day.
Step 3: Make Room In Your Body. Do you know how important breathing is to your overall health? Yes, of course, we all breathe, but breathing exercises are incredibly beneficial for stress relief, clarity, and cognition.
Spend 3-5 minutes every single hour to do a breathing exercise. Get out of your chair and reach your hands over your head and just focus on breathing in and out slowly.
Stretch down towards the floor as far as you can go, and then over to each side. Shake it out, and then go back to what you were doing. You will be amazed how much energy just a few moments of breathing will bring you.
Also, make sure you have 20 minutes of REAL exercise every single day. Even if you just crank the radio and dance around the house, spend 20 minutes each day clearing out the tension and stress of your day.
Step 4: Make Room In Your Calendar. This, for some, is the hardest part of this process. It is in this step that you must learn to tell the people you love “No.”
Carry a notebook around for the next week and chart your time – what do you do every day? How much time are you WASTING on tasks that are not congruent with your life goals?
Are you running yourself ragged for other people, only to be left with not enough time for the things YOU need? Make sure you have at least one full day “off” – where you have no obligations, no plans – just one whole day to do whatever you choose spur of the moment.
Limit your computer time. Schedule clear office hours. Eat dinner with your family or friends – uninterrupted – every single night. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
Step 5: Make Room In Your Attitude. This one is HUGE and can make or break all of the other four steps. Be willing to open your mind to new ideas, new ways of doing things, and new opportunities.
Let go of the need to control everything, and accept that you do not, in fact, know it all! Be willing to be “surprised” and get excited when you are! Be open to trying new things.
Find the good in every situation – regardless of how grim it may look. Be willing to laugh at yourself, and at everything around you.
You will never be successful if The Universe feels like you would have to “work it in” if it came to you. You can only fill a glass so full before it overflows, and if your glass appears full already, you are never going to be rewarded with the life that you deserve.
Make the room – and then be ready to welcome into your life more happiness and fulfillment than you EVER thought possible!

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