Best Books for Business – Direct Sales Edition
One of the best things I ever did for my business and my mind was to commit to reading a positive, inspiring, business-minded book at least 20 minutes a day.
I began this years ago and over the years I have read some of the greatest (and a few not so great) books for my business.
Today I wanted to share my Top Ten Favorites and encourage you to adopt the habit of reading 20 minutes a day! This simple task can help you grow your business more than you can imagine!

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Books everyone in direct sales must read.
1. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Hands down I can not stress how important The Law of Attraction is for life and for business.
Whether you read the book or watch the documentary, this is a
I have lived by the “thoughts become things” philosophy for many years now and it is absolutely
2. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield. Though this is a big, long book, I wanted to put it near the top because there is so much to learn just from this one single book, I hope that everyone will go out and get a copy for themselves right away!
Jack Canfield talks about the 64 “timeless” principles used by successful men and women throughout history.
He is an amazing storyteller and this book is such a great read, you will be through it before you know it.
3. You Are A BadAss by Jen Sincero. THIS book changes everything. It is hilariously blunt but I loved every single word in this 27 chapter book about “How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life.”
The only downside – it is tough to read at night, because it makes you want to jump up and conquer the world!
4. The Art Of Happiness by the Dalai Lama. The tagline for this book is “A Handbook For Living.” and that is so true. In this book the Dalai Lama answers life’s most burning questions in a simple, optimistic, matter-of-fact way.
Gyatso, the Dalai Lama, talks about how to defeat depression, anxiety, anger, and jealousy through meditation.
He discusses relationships, health, family, work, and spirituality and how to find inner peace while facing these struggles.
No matter your struggles, this book will help you get in touch with it, understand it, and ultimately let it go.
5. The Shift by Tory Johnson.Even though this is technically a book about weight loss, the idea of the “shift” is an important metaphor for most all things in life.
This is a super easy book to read – I nearly finished the entire thing on a flight to a conference where I was speaking – and though the concepts are simple, Tory has an incredible way of making you want to start doing it right now.
6. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Another great book that teaches financial literacy to people in all walks of life!
The biggest thing I learned from this book – It is not about the amount of money you MAKE, but the amount of money you KEEP.
This was a tough lesson for a shopaholic, but it will make you take a good look at your spending habits, and you may realize that you are in debt by your own spending alone, not lack of income.
This book is a quick, easy read with all of the strategies you need to pull yourself out of debt, and start spending (or keeping!) your money more wisely.
7. Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins. An oldie but a goodie, Anthony Robbins is one of my all time favorite speakers, motivators and authors.
His very direct approach to life I totally admire, and he believes that we should not waste any time not being our absolute best. I couldn’t agree more.
8. Dare To Dream and Work To Win by Tom Barrett. I read this book for the first time in 2005 and have probably read it 20 times since.
Amazon says it best with their description: Discover how wealth is actually created, the psychology of personal success, how to think and live as an entrepreneur, and how to succeed in network marketing.
I have quoted several stories from this book in The Diva Success System, and continue to read my tattered old copy from years ago.
9. Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. The end-all book to conquering procrastination!! This book offers 21 methods for ending procrastination and getting more done each day.
Brian Tracy covers such things as determining priorities, delegating and eliminating some tasks, knowing what’s okay to procrastinate about, and whether to tackle your “frog” (your big task that will lend the greatest results) first or a lesser priority task. A great read for people who “never have enough time.”
10. Beyond Success by Brian Biro. One of my most amazing moments in life was at a Brian Biro seminar in 2006. As a part of his Breakthrough To Success Event, attendees end the day “breaking through” a wooden board “kung fu” style.
At each event, one person is chosen to break the first board, and in a room of 1,500+ people, Brian Biro chose ME. I remember that moment vividly and have written about it as one of the most defining moments of my life.
Brian Biro is a master storyteller with the ability to pull you into his story as if you are right there with him. Any book by Brian Biro is amazing, but Beyond Success is the best book on Leadership I have ever read.
These are MY Top Ten favorite books for business – what are some of yours? Head over to our Free Facebook Community to share!