Competition And The Party Plan Consultant
Recently I received an email asking how to handle the “competition” within her organization. She had met Consultants from the same Party Plan Companies and was worried about there being a conflict with having more than one consultant of the same company at the meetings.
She already had friendships with her existing Members

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“Competition creates better products, alliances create better companies.” – Brian Graham, Baltimore Orioles Special Assignment Coach
According to Wikipedia, Competition is defined as a contest between individuals, groups, nations, animals, etc. for territory, a niche, or a location of resources… It arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared. Well, this in itself should knock out any thought of competition – because our goals can CERTAINLY be shared – so let’s talk about the BENEFITS of being friends with your “competition.”
Competition And The Party Plan Consultant
One of the biggest benefits to being friends with Consultants in your same company is the Ability To Hand Off Parties. If you have not yet built your local team (or they are so wildly busy they are booked solid) and an Emergency comes up – you can easily pick up the phone to hand off your party to a Sister Consultant. One of the best Customer Care moves you can make is getting someone to cover a party that you can absolutely not make it to – much more so than canceling a party which has been planned for weeks.
Likewise, if an “Emergency Party” comes up, and you do not have all of the business aids you need, you can also pick up the phone to see if one of your Sister Consultant has extra catalogs or order forms that you can buy or borrow to help you to be prepared for your party.
While we are on the subject of Business Aides– most companies give larger discounts when you purchase your Biz Aids in bulk – so having several consultants of the same company “go in” together on one big order will save you all money – both on the Biz Aids and the shipping! You generally do not get volume on Business Aids, so let one Consultant order everything you need, and you can all split the cost.
Another benefit to befriending your “competition” in your same Party Plan Company is the ability to do larger events – such as Expos and Fairs – because not only do you have more manpower, but you also can split the investment of the larger events – getting MUCH more exposure for the same cost of the smaller events you would otherwise only be able to do on your own.
Consultants From Other “Competing” Companies
Even if you are not with the same company, but sell the same type products, there are enormous benefits to working with your “competition.”
Get the “inside look” on what is different between your companies. Here is the truth – we ALL have terrific products, and there are products that are exclusive to your company that you can test and compare to similar products from other companies in your industry. For instance, one top selling skin care cream may feature more aloe which is soothing and healing, while another from another company may feature more vitamin c which is firming and great for anti-aging.
You can compare products, learn their differences, and both learn to capitalize ON those differences – by being knowledgeable about both in order to give your clients the best recommendation possible. Even if the “other company” may meet the needs of your clients better on ONE product, the response and appreciation you will get from your client will come back to you ten fold.
The better the industry does – the better we ALL do. Because we are all in Party Plan, we all in some way contribute to each others success. When you are out promoting home parties, direct sales, and other small business owners, you are helping the industry to gain more exposure – and ultimately more clients for all of us. Truth is our industry has had a “bad wrap” since the whole “pyramid scheme” thing, so any positive activity to help get the “mud off of our face” a little should be welcomed and encouraged!
There are thousands of doctors offices across the US, yet hundreds of students enroll and graduate in PreMed programs each year. As the populations grow, so does the need for skilled professionals in absolutely EVERY industry on the planet. There will always be more clients, more hostesses, and more recruits than you can your “competition” can handle if you are both working to build your businesses.
The bottom line is that in this industry we truly do not have “competition” in any way. We are all “in this thing together” and like the quote in the beginning of this post explains – ALLIANCES create better companies. So embrace your Party Plan Sisters – regardless of their company or downline – and work together, learn together and grow – TOGETHER.

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